Monday, August 10, 2009

Thoughts on Facebook

I have been on Facebook for a couple of months. It's totally fun. I think the best thing has been to connect with long-lost friends. The second best thing is having friends with funny or smart status updates. FB also makes staying in touch with friends and family easy. Horray Facebook.

Here are my Facebook pet peeves:

1) Why is the default setting such that you can't see a person's profile? Why don't people change the default setting so that people can see their status? Are people really that afraid of someone seeing their face? "I got a Facebook profile, but I'll be damned if anyone is going to see it." It's not that I'm really dying to see anyone's profile, I just think Americans have an exaggerated fear of cyberspace. There is this perception that evil is just around the corner if you are on the internet. I think it's silly. No one is going to stalk a malicious way. If someone is bothering you, just block them.

2) It's not a place for religion and politics. Obviously I have political opinions, but FB isn't the place to air them out. That's why God invented Blogs. I hide the feed of people who constantly post partisan rants; ditto religious manifestos.

3) It's not the place to talk about private matters. If your child ran away from home, don't post that on FB. In fact, that's a sign maybe your need to spend less time on the internet and more time with your child. (Yes, this was recently posted by a FB friend). If you or your child has an illness, don't cram as many symptoms as possible into your status. Eww.

4) 1,000,000 strong for (insert lame cause here).

5) Why does everyone hold an alcoholic beverage in profile pictures? I think the message is: "No really, I'm fun. Just look!"