Friday, August 7, 2009

Why am i buying your car?

"Cash for clunkers" is the kind of thing the media and politians love. It seemingly only has benefits: It stimulates the economy, people use less gas, etc. It's easy to see the benefits when the costs are hidden. The hidden cost is that everyone who is not buying a car under this program is paying for people who do buy a car. It's really, really unfair.

I watch the News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS because it is the best news on TV. They did a totally uncritical piece on it with two proponents of the plan. Not a hint of criticism. Not a question about whether it's fair to force some people to buy cars for other people under the guise of stimulating the economy. and some crap about saving the planet.

I can't afford to buy myself a new car, but, apparently, I can afford to buy you one. You're welcome.